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Winnipeg Estate Sale: Whats Required?

When  someone close to you passes away, it can be a trying experience. In addition to dealing with natural feelings of grief, there are a number of practical matters that need attention.
The key responsibilities and tasks associated with the death of a loved one, with an emphasis on the duties of the estate executor can be daunting. This blog is purely a discussion and not a complete guide or advice pertaining to legal or tax advice, nor does it cover  all possible situations but please feel free to call me direct with any specific questions. I will help answer or direct you to a specialist.

Fundamentally, it is the executor’s responsibility to manage and wind down the deceased person’s estate. Like so many things in life, being an executor can become an all-consuming activity if you let it. While individual circumstances may sometimes require significant effort, it is an executor’s job to facilitate the closing in all aspects of the deceased person’s belongings. Resolving any debts, taxes, gathering of paper work and death certificates, Funeral arrangements, obtaining death certificates, reading of the will, probate, cancelling subscriptions, shredding of paper work, the sale of material items or donations, cleaning,  distributing assets and disposing of personal items, including the sale of a home.  The list goes on. —

It’s important to keep good records during this process, as you may need to account for your actions to the court or to other heirs. Stay organized, ask for help or hire specialist to help in the task. Keep receipts of any expenses you have personally occurred that need to be reimbursed.

Winnipeg Estate Sale Services can help in this task. An estate sale requires a little more attention than a regular home sale in Winnipeg. Winnipeg Estate Sale Services offers a customized estate sale service dependent on your needs. We can take care of each step required or just help with the services you need.  Whatever is required to get the home ready for market and sold. We are a caring team that will take care of the entire move and ultimately finalize the sale of the property. These services are paid through the proceeds of the sale of your home with no upfront costs to the Executor.

Please feel free to call with any questions. I would be happy to help!